Retirement Home Negligence, Oshawa
When a family member or loved one is no longer able to live independently, you want to choose the retirement home that best suit their needs. These residences are meant to provide proper care, safety, and wellbeing to our loved ones. Your choice in retirement homes for your loved one gives you peace of mind, and you trust that your loved one is taken care of.
When that home neglects to take care of or provide safety to our loved ones, that trust is shattered. These types of things can be traumatizing, both to the victim and the victim’s family.
Sadly, senior residents in these homes are sometimes abused, either physically or emotionally, exploited financially, or simply neglected. Neglect can occur when the staff do not follow the rules, guidelines and protocol set out by the government. These rules were made to keep our loved ones healthy and safe. Retirement home neglect can consist of improper medical treatment, failure to treat cuts and/or sores within a reasonable time causing infections, medication or prescription errors, poor security, and failure to supervise other residents. Neglect can lead to malnourishment, serious injuries, and sometimes even death.
Unfortunately, when traumatic things happen to an elderly person, they often don’t want to or cannot physically speak about the events that occurred. They may be concerned about not being believed, or the staff treating even them worse as a result. There are many signs or ways to notice if neglect or abuse is happening to your loved one, such as a decline in hygiene, weight loss, dehydration, bed sores, drastic changes in behavior, etc.
If you strongly suspect or have proof your loved one has been neglected or abused, give Evans, Mitchell-Gill a call. Our experienced lawyers can give you the legal advice you so desperately need